Stories International Relations

‘Race Relations’

  November 6, 2008

All morning I've been talking about the potential implications Barack Obama's presidency may have on race relations not only in the United States, but the world over. While I have a problem with the term ‘race’ as a concept, this is a fantastic article on what it means to be...

Israel left uneasy by Obama victory

  November 6, 2008

Israeli officials in Jerusalem on Wednesday reacted to news of Barack Obama's victory in the US presidential election with a degree of concern. Israel's leadership from caretaker Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to President Shimon Peres all offered their warm congratulations to Obama in personal letters...

Guatemalan Bloggers Celebrate Obama!

  November 6, 2008

Guatemalan bloggers are celebrating Barack Obama's win with songs, hope for change and personal wishes. Quoting a Tracy Chapman song, Homo Homini Lupus says: Changes are coming! Although he thinks that the change will not show up in our country, he invites us to dance with him: change, change, change!...

Indians Celebrate Obama's Victory

  November 6, 2008

Indians continued to celebrate President-Elect Barack Obama’s victory on their blogs today. Their love for the future leader of the United States is clearly evident, with many writing posts thousands of words long about why they love him so much. Bloggers talked of how they admired Obama because of his warm nature, nice smile and oh-so-good looks. There were also those who even expressed jealousy how Americans could vote for such a man, whereas in India lies and corruption remain.

Obama for Bangladesh

  November 5, 2008

The US presidential election was closely watched by many nations in the world. Bangladesh was not far behind. In a recent post in Voices without Votes we see how Bangladeshi blogs engaged in cheering for Obama and McCain. What impact the victory of the US presidential elect senator Barack Obama had on Bangladesh?

Madagascar: The American Dream and President Obama

  November 5, 2008

Madagascar might be a bit far away from America but US elections fever has also caught Madagascar (the natural consequence might be that Madagascar dance fever will spread in the US after the release of the movie bearing the country's name). A few bloggers weighed in on why they follow the US elections so passionately and what an Obama presidency means to them. Lova Rakotomalala brings us the story.

Egypt: ‘Obama's Win was Obvious’

  November 5, 2008

It's official now, Obama is the 44th president of the United States, and for sure the Egyptian bloggers have mixed opinions about the new president of the world ... ehm ... USA. Tarek Amr brings us the latest reactions from Egypt.

Asia: On history and hope

  November 5, 2008

Just hours after Barack Obama was named President-Elect, bloggers across the Pacific began recording their thoughts on the historic victory. Hoa Quach reviews blogs from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.