The world has been cheering the new President of the US with the same intensity they are biding good bye to George Bush. Barack Obama has been elected by a majority never seen before in the history of America – including among minorities – and a vote for him means a vote for change. There are many expectations for his time as the head of the most powerful nation in the world; however, there is a difference between winning an election and governing a country. Will Obama fulfill the hopes pinned on him?
-It is the end of a dark circle
– It won't be easy to forget
-What will happen to Bush?
– What Bush?
Republishing the cartoon above from a local Portuguese newspaper, Diário de NotÃcias, Frosado is hopeful that Obama will indeed bring changes:
Como se diz aqui, Bush já não “existe”. Quanto ao futuro, só podemos esperar. Oxalá Obama consiga capitalizar o entusiasmo que conseguiu agregar à sua volta, entre os jovens e pelo mundo inteiro, para a paz e a prosperidade, tão necessárias ao mundo actual. Pessoalmente eu tenho esperança, sem grandes triunfalismos, claro.
As they have said here, Bush no longer “exists.” As for the future, we can only hope. If only Obama manages to capitalize the enthusiasm he kept around him, among young people, around the world, for peace and prosperity, so necessary in the current world. I hope so personally, with no great triumphalism though.
On the other hand, tunku from Malaysia is not very hopeful:
there is so much hope on obama that he will bring changes but knowing the zionist behind the white house administration, it won't happen.the changes will be just good for them not for the rest of the we will see the real obama.
Marcos Tchôla says Obama will represent the interests of any imperialist president, regardless of whether the color of his skin is “white, brown, pink or orange.”
When it comes to Brazil, the blogger is actually worried:
Em meio a campanha e a todas as besteiras que os candidatos prometem e inventam li uma opinião do novo presidente que me deixou preocupado. Ele acredita que a Amazônia – o pulmão do mundo- é área internacional e que o Brasil não tem condições de cuidar de seus interesses sozinho. Com isso ele já antecipa de forma sutil, mas real, o desejo de fincar pé – através de uma base militar na região- para proteger que acha ser dele também. Há algum tempo atrás cicurlava na internet um e-mail que mostrava que nos livros americanos a área da floresta não aparecia pertecente ao Brasil. Esse fato foi no governo Bush!
During the campaign and among all the nonsense that candidates promise and come up with, I read a viewpoint of the new president that got me worried. He believes that the Amazon – the lungs of the world – is an international area and that Brazil is unable to care for it on its own. With this, he anticipates a subtle but real desire to set his foot in, through a military base in the region, to protect the area he believes belongs to him too. Some time ago there was an email making the rounds on the Internet showing that in American books, the forest did not belong to Brazil. This was during the Bush administration!
Green activist and writer and economist from the UK, Derek Wall asks whether things will get better under an Obama presidency.
Well now he has won my fear is that he will disappoint ‘hope’, I remember an inspiring young politician who over turned right wing rule and promised that ‘things can only get better’, he never convinced me but if there had been a blog o sphere the bloggers would have worshipped him. Obama is no Tony Blair, however my fear is that he will have neither the intention nor the power to break with neo-liberalism, sadly the American dream which is pretty much every one else nightmare will continue…I hope I am wrong!
From Thailand, Jing Reed says that the U.S. and the entire world have at least one reason to celebrate this victory – it is the end of the Bush Era:
Tonight's victory proclaims the end of the dark years of the Bush regression. Obama's victory speech was inspiring and eloquent, as befitting a President of the U.S.
Carlos Serra, from Mozambique, had predicted Obama's victory and now predicts changes:
os fatalistas estruturais dirão que nada irá mudar na história americana, que Obama será, apenas, mais um presidente ao serviço do Capital e do predadorismo militar. Os optimistas estruturais dirão que muita coisa irá mudar, que Obama irá introduzir uma página substancial de Estado social no livro do neo-liberalismo e reduzir o predadorismo. Mas escutem: nunca a história avança com as grandes coisas, mas com as pequenas. A história muda quando, no sovaco da vida, germinou uma diferença, pequena que seja. E Obama é essa diferença, a sua eleição foi e é essa diferença. Ele vai ser uma diagonal entre as duas teses. Pouco a pouco, contra racistas e racializantes. Com Ãfrica inteira dentro dele, cumprindo seu destino queniano. N'Kosi sikeleli Africa!
The structural fatalistic people will say that nothing will change in American history, that Obama is, simply, another chairman to serve the capital and military predators. The structural optimists will say that many things will change, that Obama will introduce a substantial page of the welfare state in the book of neo-liberalism and reduce predators. But listen: history never moves with the big things but with the small ones. History changes when, in the armpit of life, a seed of difference germinates, even if a small one. And Obama is this difference, his election was and is that difference. He will be a diagonal between the two theses. Little by little, against racists and racialists. With the whole Africa inside of him, fulfilling his Kenyan destiny. N'Kosi sikeleli Africa!
You mistranslated the cartoon. The final line should be, “What Bush?”.
“Which Bush” makes native English speakers think of the present Bush’s father (and perhaps his brother, the former governor) before understanding what the cartoon really means.
Thank you MarylandGIS
I have now changed this according to your suggestion.
Great article, Paula! Congratulations.
Hooray for bush leaving!
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